share the love // maggie & jake

some of you may remember when i held a contest called, "share the love" - where me and two of my amazing friends (bunch collective, go check them out) teamed up to offer an awesome couple a free video session alongside a free mini-session! all said couple had to do was share their love story and a picture of themselves and then we'd pick a winner (or so we thought - you may have seen on instagram but we ended up picking out of a hat)! enter maggie and jake. 

maggie is actually best friends with one of my bridefriends (this is a new term i've coined.. because i've become close friends with so many of my brides, i don't like calling them just "bride" or "friend".. so there you go!) - so when erica mentioned maggie may enter, i was so excited.

maggie is gorgeous, spunky but so gentle-hearted, and has this incredibly beautiful red hair. her fiancee jake is just as adorable as she is, really genuine and honestly just an all around awesome guy. they were both totally willing to climb onto a log over a lake within the first 10 minutes of our shoot, just because i asked them to... even though jake must have thought i was crazy. i knew they were recently engaged and had been together awhile. when i heard their really sweet and simple story, i felt something click into place. i knew whether we picked them as our couple or not, i wanted to make some pictures with them one day. and it worked out that we were able to do so!

from maggie: "our story isn't very interesting but it's certainly special to us. we first met when I went with a friend of mine to volunteer for Crisis Assistance Ministry to sort through clothing and then feed the homeless at the men's shelter. We got there and a gal in our small group at church had driven two of her friends and introduced us, one of her friends was Jake.  I kid you not my first comment to him was that he looked like a cartoon (I meant it in the sense of a disney character, but that's not the way he took it, ha!) His hair was so long it went down to his shoulders and he was this tall teenager with a killer smile. Lord only knows what my first impression to him guess was that I was an odd redheaded girl, ha! Anyways not much happened after that, I remember working with him to scoop out ice-cream for the men's shelter and thinking how funny he was and man oh man, I still couldn't get over that smile. The one Ironic thing we both think is hilarious, is that we were volunteering for what our church liked to call "LOVE WEEK" so we actually met during love week. After that point, Jake facebooked me, yep totally still make fun of him for that to this day....but nonetheless we started chatting and really hit it off. He had just moved to Charlotte from Connecticut and then before that from Canada and here I am a small town country girl (never lived anywhere else in my life) who was just learning how to drive in Charlotte and then I fall in love with a Canadian? Seriously? Now that was something I never could have predicted. but that's just us in a nut shell, we love our story because it's ours and we love to represent an example of a young couple who proves that a healthy and Christ-like relationship can last through the early years and that it is possible to set the example in love at such a young age for our peers."

now, hopefully you're still with me after reading that because i have some awesome links that you 100% need to check out! +bunch collective's website (if you're in charlotte or the surrounding areas and need a kick-ass videographer team, check these guys out. not only are they good friends of mine but they're down to earth and incredibly talented. love these two and love working with them!): +maggie's blog:  +jakes vimeo (he is *ALSO* a fantastic videographer!): +maggie's family's venue (so beautiful and local!):

instagram (because i'm a creeper and would totally go find this crew to follow)! bunch: @bunchcollective  //  nicci: @iccidesign  //  sol: @solhorner  // maggie: @maggiebranson  //  jake: @jakecolletta // me: @emilychidester

"i love you with every piece of me. i will love and love and love until i have nothing left and then i will make more out of the nothing that lives where everything once did. i would dismantle me to put you back together again."ECP_MaggieandJake-4ECP_MaggieandJake-14ECP_MaggieandJake-20ECP_MaggieandJake-23ECP_MaggieandJake-26 copyECP_MaggieandJake-29ECP_MaggieandJake-41 copyECP_MaggieandJake-46ECP_MaggieandJake-56 copyECP_MaggieandJake-63ECP_MaggieandJake-64ECP_MaggieandJake-68ECP_MaggieandJake-69ECP_MaggieandJake-73ECP_MaggieandJake-74ECP_MaggieandJake-75ECP_MaggieandJake-82ECP_MaggieandJake-83ECP_MaggieandJake-89ECP_MaggieandJake-91ECP_MaggieandJake-97ECP_MaggieandJake-99ECP_MaggieandJake-101ECP_MaggieandJake-102ECP_MaggieandJake-106ECP_MaggieandJake-109ECP_MaggieandJake-112ECP_MaggieandJake-116ECP_MaggieandJake-117ECP_MaggieandJake-118ECP_MaggieandJake-122ECP_MaggieandJake-123ECP_MaggieandJake-124ECP_MaggieandJake-125ECP_MaggieandJake-127ECP_MaggieandJake-131 copy copyECP_MaggieandJake-133ECP_MaggieandJake-137ECP_MaggieandJake-142 copyECP_MaggieandJake-144ECP_MaggieandJake-145ECP_MaggieandJake-146ECP_MaggieandJake-147ECP_MaggieandJake-149ECP_MaggieandJake-154ECP_MaggieandJake-157ECP_MaggieandJake-165ECP_MaggieandJake-168ECP_MaggieandJake-172ECP_MaggieandJake-174ECP_MaggieandJake-177ECP_MaggieandJake-179ECP_MaggieandJake-184ECP_MaggieandJake-188ECP_MaggieandJake-192 copyECP_MaggieandJake-193ECP_MaggieandJake-194ECP_MaggieandJake-199ECP_MaggieandJake-203ECP_MaggieandJake-205


I can't say enough about Steph. She's beautiful, inside and out (which I happen to think you'll agree with once you see these pictures) - she's got the best sense of humor and isn't afraid to be bold and let's face it - she's SUPER sexy. She's a carefree badass and totally humble. She doesn't realize how fantastic she is.

I don't know, there's just something about her sweet soul that I adore and I'm so thankful that she continues to want me to document her life in the best way I can offer, year after year.

Love you, beautiful girl.

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Ya'll, this is going to be a huge post. Hope you're ready! I've said this before, I rarely do family sessions.

However. When Nicci emailed me and said "Hey, let's do some shots of the inside of my FREAKING AMAZING house and also maybe some shots of my ADORABLE family".. .I couldn't say no. (Disclaimer: she didn't actually say that, but she might as well have!) They have recently redone their kitchen and wanted to get some pictures of it's huge transformation (which I would totally suggest you seeing by clicking on the blog link down below!)

Nicci and Sol are those kinds of people that I can easily explain as the salt of the earth. They are quiet and humble and so immensely creative. They love their little Junie James and have an amazing home that just feels so cozy and full of love.

If I'm going to shoot family portraits, this couldn't have been a better introduction. They invited me into their home, made some sticky buns and we just hung out and talked while I snapped some pictures every now and then.

I hope you guys enjoy these!

Sol & Nicci, thanks so much for sharing your morning with me! Oh and hey! You should definitely check out their stuff.

Bunch Collective  ::  Bunch Collective Tumblr :: Icci Design Blog :: Bunch Store

(The above shot is one of my favorites of this entire session.)


This session is very, very near and dear to my heart. Meet my incredible brother John, and his beautiful wife Sara.

Sara had been pestering me for awhile (she'll deny it) about doing pictures and our schedules just never aligned, until my birthday weekend. We were blessed with beautiful light and amazing company (you'll see Lauren & Kyle's pictures next!) that day in early November.

So, as you can tell, they're a beautiful couple. But their beauty extends way further than how cute they are together. I have never seen a couple more in love with both each other and actively pursuing a relationship with God. As John's sister, I've seen it all- their love & their fights. I've seen their laughter and their tears, and when Sara thinks John is being an ass (excuse my language) and when John thinks Sara's being the most stubborn person, ever. But I also see the random flowers that John will send to Sara on any given day, or the care that Sara puts into their home to make it a safe haven to come back to at the end of a long work day. You can see it too, in they way they look at each other. They've been together for close to eight years and are still wildly in love with each other. And I am so proud of them for who they've allowed the Lord to let them become and where they are in life. I look up to both of them in such different ways. Sara is the most selfless person I've ever met and she has such a tender, loving heart. And John.. well. There aren't enough words in the english language to express how much I respect and admire him for the man he is. If I can meet a guy who is half the man my brother is, I'll be content.

We are the three musketeers. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for these two. (AND MADDEN! My favorite pup, ever. She's the best, seriously.)

“You don’t love somebody because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song nobody but you can understand.”

for your viewing pleasure..